I guess I will start off with a short introduction. I’m Brooke Bennett, currently a PA student at Marywood University in Scranton, PA. I’m an Army kid, but call Manhattan, KS home. I first met Kristin when we moved in with each other (well, technically a couple times before that, but we were both awkward). It took very little time for us to figure out how our passions and love for the Lord aligned; we just meshed well. I have been on the receiving end of a lot Kristin’s delicious cooking experiments and still find myself craving a certain coconut curry chicken she once cooked for me.
This week I came back to school, after one glorious week in Manhattan, realizing I had no money, ate awful the week before, and very little food in my fridge. I made a low-budget trip to Wegman’s (the most beautiful grocery store in Scranton) and picked up some locally grown veggies.
One night after a particularly rough day at school, I needed a satisfying meal. So here it is, low-cal, low-budget deliciousness:
Zucchini and Squash Medley
2-3 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 small-medium sized onion, sliced
1 zucchini, sliced
1 Squash, sliced
1-2 Tbsp. Italian Seasoning
Salt and Pepper to taste
I threw all of this in a large skillet and let it cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes, stirring on occasion. Once the squash is soft, it’s good to eat. As far as seasoning, I’m very pro-seasoning so I used 2 Tbsp. but less can be used too. This makes 4 servings.
I find myself scanning pintrest for recipes and what usually happens is I find something delicious looking and I’m missing like 4 ingredients… that’s when the improving happens. I’ve seen this same recipe baked at 350, added parmensean, or roasted red peppers. All of those sound great and something to consider when I make it again.
Chicken and Wild Rice (I’m not creative with names, wait until I have kids)
1 Tbsp. Olive oil
1 Large boneless, skinless, chicken breast, squared
Seafood Seasoning from Sundown Rubs & Seasonings
1 cup of Trader Joe’s Basmati Rice Medley (or really any wild rice with herbs)
2 cups of water
Cook the chicken with the seasoning in olive oil over medium heat until cooked all the way through in a small skillet. In a large saucepan, bring rice and water to steady boil, stirring occasionally then lower heat and cover with lid and alloq to simmer for 15 minutes. Once cooked, stir in chicken. This makes about 3 servings
I tend to fear recipes with more than like seven ingredients. So after just throwing this together, I was seriously impressed with all the flavor from the very few ingredients and the ease of preparation of both of these.
So I have to put a plug in for Sundown Rubs & Seasonings. I may be partial because I’m the daughter of the owner, but I put the seafood seasoning on practically everything. There are other seasonings as well and they all add significant taste enhancement to any meal. The seafood seasoning can be purchased at many Kansas and Nebraska grocery stores or here: http:// sundownrubsandseasonings.com/ home/products/seafood- seasoning/
So thanks, Kristin, for inviting me to write for you blog. Enjoy!
Sounds super yummy! I [Kristin] can attest to the quality of Sundown Rubs & Seasonings-- they're sooo good. Try the chicken rub on popcorn sometime! It's outta this world.
Also... Brooke... I totally forgot about that coconut curry chicken. If I can find the recipe, it'll be my next post!
Until next time, friends.
Kristin & Brooke
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of a friend
springs from their heartfelt advice." -Proverbs 27:9
and the pleasantness of a friend
springs from their heartfelt advice." -Proverbs 27:9